know who you are.
love who you are.
Come See Who We Are...
What makes the Hatch Brighter Journals unique?

One Topic
Focused on one topic for 70 days to help kids gain an in-depth understanding of the topic.

Each week, the kids will go deeper on a topic similar to how they learn Math or Reading.

Includes easy activities for kids & parents to do together (read a story, a nature adventure or have a conversation).

We leverage technology to help parents stay connected to what their kids are learning.
We believe in encouraging kids to THINK, FEEL & REFLECT through



What parents are saying...

Dear Kids of the World
Did you know you have a very important job? Your job is to know who you are, love who you are and be true to who you are.
When you were born, you were given a special light that shines really REALLY bright inside of you. You still have this light inside of you but sometimes we forget about our light or our light becomes dim.
How does this happen?
Well there are moments where we forget how strong, brave, loved, smart we are. Or we aren’t being true to who we are. When this happens our light gets covered with shells like an egg, and our light gets dim.
But don’t worry! Together, each week we will explore, discover and find more of your light by using this journal to answer questions and learn more about your “Inner World.”
And as you do, you will HATCH through these shells and your light shines BRIGHTER!
Hatch Brighter